- baccalaure
- 1) кір. бакалаўрбакалавр2) см. <
Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
Baccalaureus — Baccalaure|us, Bakkalaureus … Universal-Lexikon
Philippe Alexandre Jules Künckel d'Herculais — (10 February 1843 Paris 22 December 1918 Conflans sur Oise) was a French entomologist.He was the nephew of the French chemist Théophile Jules Pelouze (1807 1867) and the son of a doctor. He lost his father when he was two years old. After his… … Wikipedia
baccalaureate — /bak euh lawr ee it, lor /, n. 1. See bachelor s degree. 2. a religious service held at an educational institution, usually on the Sunday before commencement day. 3. See baccalaureate sermon. [1615 25; < ML baccalaureatus, equiv. to… … Universalium
Bakkalaureus — Bak|ka|lau|re|us 〈m.; , rei [ re:i]; in den USA u. Europa〉 = Bachelor; →a. Bakkalaurea [<mlat. baccalarius „Ritter, der einem anderen untergeordnet ist, Knappe“, dann „Inhaber der dem Doktorgrad untergeordneten akadem. Würde“; beeinflusst von… … Universal-Lexikon
B. L. — B. L., Abkürzung für lateinisch 1) Baccalaure|us Legum, englisch Bachelor of Law [ bætʃələ ɔv lɔː], unterster angloamerikanischer juristischer Universitätsgrad. 2) Benẹvole Lẹctor!, »Geneigter Leser!« … Universal-Lexikon
baccalaureate — bac•ca•lau•re•ate [[t]ˌbæk əˈlɔr i ɪt, ˈlɒr [/t]] n. 1) edu bachelor s degree 2) rel a religious service held for a graduating class 3) rel Also called baccalau′reate ser mon. the sermon delivered at such a service • Etymology: 1615–25; < ML… … From formal English to slang